To face the different restrictions imposed by the covid-19 pandemic, cultural centers are closed. Museums are victims of the containment so that art lovers are deprived of them. To recover from it, many museums have tried a new approach to allow everyone to enjoy art despite the pandemic. It is about setting up a virtual exhibition. It is therefore important to know how this new trend of the year 2021 works.
Cats in the history of art
This exhibition is very ideal for people who love museums and cats. The exhibition "Cats in the History of Art" is organized by Universal Museum of Art with the collaboration of Réunion des Musées Nationaux-Grand Palais. You will be able to see the famous work "Olympia" during your visit to the virtual art exhibitions. The work was painted in 1863 by Edouard Manet. It presents a naked woman with a black cat next to her. In the exhibition, there are also posters like those of the Cabaret Chat Noir. This exhibition helps to better interpret the divergent symbolism of cats. If you want to go even further into the theme, enter "Cats in the history of art" and make the discovery with your feline by your side.
Fashion in Versailles
If you are passionate about fashion, "La mode à Versailles" is made for you. You must visit the website of the Palace of Versailles for this type of exhibition. Virtual visitors can decipher the keys to fashion made in Versailles. Today, many designers are inspired by the haute couture of Versailles. Thanks to the clothes and accessories of Queen Marie Antoinette, this fashion and this exhibition have been very successful. For example, the lévite dress or the polonaise dress are masterpieces that you can discover in this virtual art exhibition. In addition, there is a focus on the outfits of the men of the court as the inevitable jackets or leotards.
Faces of Frida
The exhibition "Faces of Frida" plunges you into the feminine world thanks to several figures of a woman realized by Mexican Frida Kahlo. An exhibition is now available on the internet, especially on Google&Culture. You can discover many paintings like Self-portrait with monkey. This work is present in museums in the heart of the Mexican capital "Robert Brady" or Adelita or Pancho Villa. Frida Khalo wants to show the face of a determined woman, mysterious but elegant.